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Austral grass tree

Xanthorrhoea australis

Bagup is a grass-like plant that grows to 3m high and has a dark trunk and grass-like leaves on top. It flowers from July to December in long stalks of cream flowers that can reach 1.8 metres long.

It is used by the Wurundjeri-woiwurrung as a source of food (nectar, stems of leaves) as well as being utilised for its resin which is used as adhesive.

It grows best in well drained soils, occurring in drier regions to the north and south east of Melbourne. It grows in full sun to semi shade and grows best after being burnt, with fire encouraging new growth and flowering to occur.

OBS Aus Native Garden.jpg

Paul Hermans, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Green Spaces

Here are some spaces around Melbourne we've found this plant!

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